New Programmers
Why CS teachers should stop teaching Java applets
As a veteran of applet development (see credentials below), I think it is high time to make a call that teachers should stop teaching applets in general, & especially AWT based applets. Applets are an advanced and specialized type of app. that has little place in the real world around us (most things that are done by applets can instead be better achieved using Javascript and HTML 5).
It saddens me to see new students ‘tossed in at the deep end’ to learn how to make an applet.
The reasons are multiple, but first, I’ll look a little at the history of applets and why applets were ever considered a good idea for teaching small, simple projects.
Applet vs. Frame
The simplest applet is:
import java.applet.Applet; import java.awt.Label; public class HelloWorldApplet extends Applet { @Override public void init() { add(new Label("Hello World!")); } }
Looks simple, right? This hints at the primary reason that applets were taught.
It only takes a handful of code lines to see the end result.
But an applet gets a size & position on screen from the HTML that loads it. So an applet also requires a little HTML E.G.
<html> <body> <applet code=HelloWorldApplet width=400 height=200> </applet> </body> </html>
This makes the total for a working applet 17 LOC. Not looking quite so simple now. Worse, many developers think ‘any old mark-up will do’ when that is very much not the case. Missing opening or closing elements make the HTML invalid and how a browser will interpret it is anyone’s guess.
Compare that to an application that behaves in as smooth a manner:
import java.awt.Label; import java.awt.Frame;
public class HelloWorldApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) { Frame f = new Frame(); f.add(new Label("Hello World!")); f.pack(); f.setVisible(true); } }
So, while it takes just 9 lines of code for the simplest of
applets (even including the @Override
notation), while 12 LOC for
the application doing the same thing, add the HTML and it becomes
17 lines for applet/HTML vs. just 12 LOC for the application.
AWT vs Swing
Time moves on, and the Swing component toolkit was introduced as a replacement for AWT. Nobody uses AWT anymore. Most Java GUI developers started using Swing, and those that have used AWT have largely forgotten the finer details.
This is relevant to the student in terms of getting help when they get stuck. It does not matter who we are, when approaching new areas of CS, we all tend to reach for whatever resources might help us understand the new technology. For a student the best resources are firstly the text books and class notes, but those typically only go so far at explaining, and the rest is from things like the JavaDocs, the Java Tutorial, searching the net, or asking for clarification on forums.
Those last two are particularly relevant in that:
- There is a slew of extremely poor AWT based code available on the net.
- There may also be some poor Swing based code out there, but usually there is a Swing programmer nearby that can point out the deficiencies in it.
Industry uses Swing and that is all that Swing programmers know and remember. AWT is obsolete, and a dead end in career or learning.
So let’s now look at the proper way to write a Swing applet & application. The Java Tutorial warns us that all Swing code should be started and updated on the Event Dispatch Thread, which (ironically) is an AWT based Thread.
A simple Swing applet might then be:
import javax.swing.JApplet; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
public class HelloWorldApplet extends JApplet {
@Override public void init() {
@Override Runnable r = new Runnable() { public void run() { add(new JLabel("Hello World!")); } }; try { SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(r); } catch(InterruptedException ie) { ie.printStackTrace(); } catch (InvocationTargetException ite) { ite.printStackTrace(); }
} }
This is slightly verbose (25 LOC) for strict clarity, but could be reduced to:
import javax.swing.*;
public class HelloWorldApplet extends JApplet {
@Override public void init() { Runnable r = new Runnable() {
@Override public void run() { add(new JLabel("Hello World!")); } }; try { SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(r); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
} }
It could be further shortened (from 20 LOC) by declaring the Runnable
inside the
method call, but I find that notation to be confusing &
prefer to separate the Runnable
into a clearly defined instance.
And now the Swing equivalent application, using the same ‘short guidelines’.
import javax.swing.*;
public class HelloWorldApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) { Runnable r = new Runnable() {
@Override public void run() { JFrame f = new JFrame(); f.add(new JLabel("Hello World!")); f.pack(); f.setVisible(true); } }; SwingUtilities.invokeLater(r);
} }
Just 18 LOC in total.
Not very much coding to see our simple message on screen, in a free floating Swing component.
Embedded vs. not embedded
Why won’t the applet load my input file?
By default, Java applets run in a security sand-box that prohibits many actions which might be damaging to other applets, the browser or the user’s machine.
While the security sand-box is of great benefit to end-users, it makes the life of the developer difficult. And it has just become that much more difficult in Java 7 update 21.
In Java 7 Update 21 Security Improvements in Detail Markus Eisele notes:
With the introduced changes it is most likely that no end-user is able to run your application when they are either self-signed or unsigned.
While that warning is a little extreme, I agree with the underlying point being made. A user (or in this case you, the teacher) will need to OK some very scary dialogs, and possibly lower the default Java security to an unsafe level, before being able to view an applet.
Error reporting
My applet is broken but shows no errors! Where are they?
The System.err
stream used for displaying stack traces appears on the command line (or in the IDE) when running an application. When a stack trace occurs in an applet it is sent to the Java Console, which is (by default) not configured to be shown.
Class caching
I changed my applet but the browser shows the same!
Many times I have responded to applet problems where the questioner swears they have changed the code & recompiled it, yet the browser is still showing the old values. The solution is relatively simple when you know how – flush the class cache from the Java Console. To someone learning, it is typically a complete mystery.
Embedded conclusion
Those 3 problems alone have probably earned me a quarter of the reputation points I’ve so far gained for applets on Stack Overflow. They pose huge problems when developing and debugging applets.
The question really comes down to:
Are you teaching Java/CS or how to deploy applets?
If the former, use JFrame
based applications and side-step all the
problems that are inherent to an embedded app. And don’t even consider
teaching AWT components – they are obsolete & Swing takes only a few
more LOC to get something on-screen.
Author Credentials
So who am I?
- Top ranked provider of answers on Stack Overflow for the applet tag.
- The developer of Appleteer.
- Host of many applets on my site.
What programming concepts I should master to have a deep understanding of my craft?
So you’ve been working as a programmer for a couple of years, and you want to become a good programmer. But not just a good programmer, you want to be a GREAT programmer. You want to paint with ALL the colors. Hell, you want to paint with all the dimensions. You want to be the GURU of programming – not just some nerd that’s stuck in corner that knows every namespace in the .NET API and can punch out a website in a day – you want to be a Michelangelo. A Picasso. Programming isn’t a science, it’s an art. You want to be respected.
Boy that’s a big ask.
So how do you get started?
By now you’ve hopefully realized that what makes good programmers great isn’t necessarily their technical skills. Your technical skills can be AWESOME, but if you don’t know what your customer wants, they amount to diddly squat. Of course if you know what your customer wants but don’t have the technical skills to back it up, you’re also up the creek. So what are the technical things you want to learn?
* How to write “DRY” code. DRY stands for “Don’t Repeat Yourself”. Copy and paste coders are not real coders. If you find yourself writing the same (or similar enough) lines of code more than once, it needs to be cleaned up so that you don’t have duplicate code all over the place. This will actually keep your codebase smaller, easier to maintain and reduce your bug count. People call this refactoring and it’s a daily part of our job. It’s not an optional extra for the end of a project.
* How to keep it simple. Once you’ve got the hang of refactoring and cleaning up your code as you go, you’re going to have to learn the next principle of keeping it simple. Too often once programmers have got it into their head that they need to not repeat themselves, EVER, and so many code bases grow to be an abstracted monstrosity. I’ve seen huge heaving code bases that take minutes to compile, but the application itself hardly does anything. Keeping things simple above all else is your goal.
* Learn the principle of YAGNI. You Ain’t Gonna Need It. All too often as programmers we want to make sure that we cover all our bases. The customer has asked that the application is to do X. If that’s the case, then they’ll probably want it to do Y and Z too. We might as well spend another 3 days putting that in, after all they’re going to ask for it anyway. Once again, you end up with a much bigger codebase and app than you need, and half of the code in there isn’t being used. Keep it simple!
This can be a very difficult concept to master. Making your solution flexible, customisable and forseeing future requirements is a very important part of our job. This is where I think that programming can be shown to be an art – there’s no hard and fast rule here. Ultimately it’s up to the programmer(s) discretion over how flexible a solution is – it involves constant judgement calls and a weighing up of the pros and cons. Normally the questions that you want to ask yourself are:
“How much extra work will it be to make this more flexible?” vs
“How much time do we have?” vs
“Will they really need it?” vs
“is this making the code worse or better?”
These kind of questions are very difficult to answer on your own. Two heads are so much better than one! Often just talking through the problem and the solution with another guy can help you work out the right approach yourself. Even picking up the phone to call another programmer to see what they think can save you a lot of pain.
* How to constructively review other people’s code. Code reviews can send a shiver down the spine of the most experienced programmer. They can be harrowing, aggravating and an ultimate waste of time. They can also be a delight, an opportunity to learn from others and to improve your skills! The most important aspect of code reviews is not what technical details you are looking out for, but the attitude and expectations that people approach the review with. If you’re dying to bag out someone’s code and make them feel bad, if you’re on the witch-hunt to see how many bugs you can find, then you’re going to be in trouble. People will resent these code reviews, nobody will want to help anybody else and most importantly, your code will not get any better!
The approach that you want is for everybody to go in with the mentality that “we’re here to learn from everybody else and to improve the code”.
* Design patterns. Reading the classic book on design patterns can give you a lightbulk moment – “oh, THAT’S how I solve that messy coding problem”. The danger that most people have is overapplying design patterns and you end up with a bigger mess than you started. Once you’ve learnt how to use a hammer everything starts looking like a nail. So don’t overzealously use them for the sake of it.
* Keep up to date with frameworks & libraries. You don’t have to use them, but you need to know what they do and their pro’s & con’s. A great example of this is SignalR – before this came along I would have been adamant that there is just no way that you can easily do realtime notifications within your web application. Turns out that before signalr there were libraries like pubnub who do this kind of thing with ease – but I had no idea! If I hadn’t kept up to date I could have been the one spouting rubbish (well, more often than usual, anyway). Keeping up to date with libraries and frameworks will also show you how if something seems way too hard to do then there’s probably (hopefully) a much easier way of doing things. Don’t write your own service bus layer when there’s MSMQ.
* How to comment your code. If you’re not commenting code then you’re making your life more difficult. When you come back to that function you wrote 6 months ago you’re not going to have a clue why you wrote it in such a convoluted way. Hey, it turns out that you did it that way for a reason! And BTW you shouldn’t simplify this mess because you’ll actually break it!
You also want to learn how to write down that complicated algorithm in a flowchart or just write it out in english. Don’t expect that someone will spend 2 days trying to reverse engineer your code. Don’t expect that people in the business will learn/remember/understand that complicated logic that they asked you to do. You’re going to end up pulling out this flowchart in at least 3 meetings in the future whenever people say “So what happens when x happens and then y?”
* How to write unit tests. Writing tests is a great way to ensure that your code will continue to work, even when some dufus comes along and modifies the database schema without telling you. Okay, well your code definitely won’t work, but now you can catch it the very day that someone renames a column. Instead of catching it three weeks later and finding out that your application hasn’t been calculating numbers properly. You’ll also want to learn what TDD is and see if it’s a good fit for you.
* What dependency injection / IOC is. A contentious argument for sure, but one you want to be well informed of. It’ll also give you a massive leg-up on when you see your first project that uses DI. If you don’t know what’s going on, you’d swear the code is backwards and insideout.
* How continuous integration is your saviour. I can’t imagine working on a project these days without CI. If I didn’t have a build running everytime someone checked in some code I would be quite terrified. It’s your safety net, your progress indicator and your one-click deploy solution all in one.
* Know what’s going on under the hood. For example, calling a web service – what’s it actually doing? If it’s WCF it’s creating a SOAP service call – you should check out the actual data that is sent over the wire sometime. It’s massive. If I hadn’t peeked under the hood I would have had no idea just how much bandwidth it needs. When it comes to programming, nothing just happens magically.
* Learn the gist of quite a few programming languages. You’d be surprised what you can learn from other areas. If you don’t know how simple python is nor how easy a web application is in ruby on rails, then you’re only seeing one side of the coin. If you’re coming in from strictly typed languages then javascript is a bizarre world in itself! I’m a c# developer and I’ve found that java guys think very differently. So do PHP people.
* Peter Rowell has a great post on how to debug. I agree with everything he says – real programmers don’t guess, they debug. If you think or hope something is working, you’re probably wrong. You need to SEE it working and prove that it’s working. I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve looked at code and said “there, that will work” only to run it and see that it doesn’t. Actually while you’re at it, read his other answers. There’s a voice of experience.
* Make fun of the losers. You also need to learn which programming languages you can successfully make fun of without someone actually punching you in the face.
So what about the non technical stuff? These are the hard ones.
* How to justify your project to management. Management will continually conveniently forget what the point of your project is. You need to be able to explain it in 30 seconds, and then if given the opportunity explain it in 360 seconds. How it benefits the business and why. If you can’t articulate it, nobody else will be able to, and pretty soon people will be asking “why is that guy here?”
* How to explain to management what you’re doing and why. This is different to justifying your project. Some bosses like to know what you’re doing every day – when s/he does, you better have a good answer. “Working on code” is not a good answer. “Adding feature X that will solve problem Y” is a much better answer.
* How to clarify and write down what the customers wants (“requirements”). This is an art in and of itself. If you can do this, your programming job will be A BREEZE. You know all those arguments and problems that you had with people outside of IT? They can be resolved by writing down what people say. Write it down in front of them, during the meeting. Learn from technical BA’s – they are a Godsend.
* How to estimate. People will ask you for an estimate, be prepared. If you don’t know what you’re doing, multiply your estimate by three. This is not to pad it out – this is to make it more accurate.
* How to plan your project. Remember, only 30% of your time on a project should be coding. That’s thirty percent.
* How to differentiate between a bug, an issue and a feature request. They are all different.
* How to direct other programmers without getting up their nose. You also want to know how to motivate them.
* How to get along with other programmers. We’re a strange breed. Getting along with us can be a challenge – you’re going to have to learn some ninja skills. I can recommend “how to make friends and influence people” by Dale Carnegie. A classic.
* How to work with maniacs, psychopaths and just plain crazy people. There’s a lot of them out there. You’re probably one of them yourself.
So what’s the most important thing to learn?
How to GET STUFF DONE. All the theory in the world won’t help you if you can’t get stuff done. Everything above is a waste of time if you’re not getting stuff done. Can this be taught? There’s an interesting question.
No Silver Bullets?
One of the most persistent questions I see on Programmers.SE is “What language should I learn?” and its endless legion of variations. These questions seem innocuous enough; beginners looking for insight into the hideously complex and bewilderingly partisan world of software development. It’s more than just languages too. Languages all have attached cultures and ecosystems. Not to mention an endless parade of varying implementations and the other attendant issues like third party libraries and the melting, gibbering insanity that is the world of software licensing.
The problem isn’t that the question is invalid per se. It’s more that the motivations for asking it are typically suspect. People typically ask the question for one three reasons: They want to be magically employable by learning language X, they want to solve a problem automatically via language Y, or they want to expand their programming horizons but don’t have the research skills to do a proper job on Google. I’ll address these and several edge cases.
Speaking to Power – Languages that Employ:
The problem with “What language should I learn to get a job” is the nature of the market for languages. Companies are typically invested in a technology stack such as .Net on Windows or Ruby on Rails on Linux or something like that. You have the language, the development environment, the operating ecosystem, the deployment environment which may not be the same at all and numerous other considerations. Changing a development stack is non-trivial. It involves more than just installations. There’s training your team to deal with the code and/or the new elements of the refactored stack. There are business and legal considerations too like the cost of licensing. Individual use of a technology stack is often free. Company use tends to be much less so. Thus, companies tend to be more wary of the “new hotness” if they have a process and stack that generates money.
So you come to another case here, which is “I don’t like the stack I’m using and I want to change it without changing companies”. This is related to the second category I mentioned above about magic solving of problems, except that it is trying to magically solve your dislike of the tools you are given. Sometimes, this problem can be solved by using a cross-platform language like IronPython for .Net but often the support simply isn’t there for Language Z trying to make it into your company’s stack. Smashing the Stack is very real business concern if you’ve got a working process. Any disruption even if it’s just the injection of one new programming language can mean the difference between a profit and a loss. It’s natural to want the best tools but sometime the best tool is to adapt to the existing stack rather than wish for something “better”.
The root of this matter is the idea of the “silver bullet”. The problem is that programmers and engineers are trained to find optimal solutions. We naturally seek the best solution possible within constraints. The issue is what to do when those constraints are our own prejudices/desires? At that point it’s time to try and take a step back and see if what we are proposing is a realistic solution. The question to ask is:
“Are we fighting Werewolves?”
If you are fighting Werewolves, then using silver bullets makes total sense. Sometimes though you don’t have any silver. So the question is how to silver bullet without silver (or sometimes even bullets). The answer to be good enough at the fundamentals to hack together a solution. I know that aesthetics are important, technical debt is important but when it comes down to shipping a working product in an ugly language or 6 months late and beautiful; beautiful will leave you broke.
Putting Holes in Wizards – Magic Bullets for Personal Projects:
The same goes for people trying to get a language to silver bullets for a personal project. There is no one right answer. Everything is good for something. It depends more on a solid understanding of the problem domain of your project than a magic code from the beyond that swoops in save you the trouble of actually thinking. Sometimes languages make a world of difference but these tend to be domain specific like R for Statistics or a general language that has a particularly good setup for something like Perl’s Regex functions or Fortran’s numerical capabilities. Fundamentals are again key. Know what algorithms you need and how they fit into your problem. Solve the problem then figure out what language features you need to solve it most effectively. Then pick a language that does that optimally. Tada! “Magic” Bullet!
GoogleFu Programmer Style – How to Do Research in 2012:
If you plan on spending any amount of time doing any kind of research on the internet. Learn How to Google. I’m dead serious about this but it particularly applies to programming where the situations are often very time sensitive. Language learning for personal growth is a great thing and usually not as time sensitive but it is no less imperative to learn to research effectively before asking around on the Stack Exchange, or anywhere else, but particularly on the Stack Exchange. Doing research often requires dialogs and discussions and that’s not something SE is particularly kind toward. Fundamental knowledge again helps here; it allows you to ask the right questions using the right words. Most languages now have websites and user groups. Once you get a targeted question, rather than a nebulous notion, it’s time to go ask it on the Stack Exchange. Examine the FAQs for your particular question category. If you are unsure ask on the site’s Meta. That’s what it’s there for.
Closing Arguments – Think before Asking and Never Panic
Language questions tend to Gorilla vs Shark more than most and I hope that this examination will help avoid that. Most of the time the answer is “whatever your boss/teacher told you to learn or why aren’t asking them this question?”. We are programmers and software engineers; Logicians, not Magicians.
The last piece of advice I’d give is to rubber duck your question: Read your question out loud at least twice to a nearby inanimate object. If you can’t explain what you’re trying to ask to the “rubber duck” you need to more carefully consider exactly what you are asking. Tight deadlines can be panic inducing but don’t fret. Take a deep breath and focus. Laziness is a virtue in programming in the sense that it makes you want to be efficient. Learn to efficiently research and communicate effectively with people and you will have a much easier time asking questions on the Stack Exchange, programming language learning related or not.
Help, I just graduated but I don’t feel like I know how to program!
There was a great question on Programmers about graduating with a programming degree, but not knowing how to program. I see this kind of question a lot, and I felt the same way when I first got my degree, so I thought I’d write about my experiences and what I learned when first started programming.
Start with baby steps
First off, don’t expect to be able to code enterprise-level applications or the next Facebook right away. You really can’t become a good programmer without a lot of practice, so practice any way you can. This can include hobby projects, reading books or source code, or even answering questions on Stack Overflow.
The book Outliers: The Story of Success frequently states that to become a master in any field you need to practice it for a total of 10,000 hours. In case you don’t want to do the math, that’s about 3.5 years of programming 8 hours every single day. If you only program during business hours at work, that’s almost 5 years.
Don’t discount your education
When I first started working, I felt my education was worthless; that it just taught me stuff that was never used in the workplace. I soon realized it provided me with something better than syntax: it provided me with a good foundation for programming. For example, it didn’t teach me design patterns, but it did teach me what design patterns were and how / when to use them. And I might not have built a data access layer in my class projects, but I knew what they were for and when to use them.
It also provided me with resources such as books, an online library, and networking contacts in the industry. In addition, it gave me a fancy piece of paper which can be very useful for getting your foot in the door when you don’t have experience.
Of course, it didn’t teach me everything. Looking back, I wish I had been taught about things like Version Control and Unit Testing. But the institution did their best to provide me with a solid foundation to build upon in the short time I was there, providing I was willing to go out there and keep learning.
Always be learning
One of the first things I got taught in college was that to be an IT professional, you really need to be a life-long learner. You can’t just graduate and expect you’ll have everything you need to get a high-paying job for the rest of your life. You’ll need to be willing to spend the rest of your life learning new technologies and languages.
Whenever I come across something new, something I don’t understand, or something I’m not sure of how to do, I Google it. Most of the time I can find a simple definition or samples, and I can start from there. If I do start from samples, I hate just blindly copying/pasting. I always take the time to understand what the code does. It might be slower to start with, however once understood it makes me that much better of a programmer.
Remember, N years of experience means nothing if it was simply 1 year repeated N times. There are plenty of jobs out there that are that will let you accumulate years of experience without you ever needing to learn anything new, however I feel you simply cannot be a great programmer without continuing to learn.
Steps to success in programming projects
Here is a list of steps to success in any project as a new programmer:
- Be positive when asked if you can do something.
If someone asks you if you can do something, be positive in your response. Answering negatively, or even indecisively, will often result in a lost opportunity to learn and grow, so avoid that unless the task is truly outside the realm of possibility.
I usually use terms like “I don’t see why not” or “shouldn’t be too hard”. You may not know how to do it right away, but you should have the tools (Google!) and intelligence needed to figure out how to get it done. I like to avoid actually saying “yes” unless I know I can actually do what is being asked.
- Determine requirements.
Sit down with your client (boss, customer, etc) and figure out what they want. I’m not going to go into details of gathering requirements here, but do take the time to draw out the screens they expect to see, and to determine the expected input / output. My favorite tool for screen mock-ups is Balsamiq.
- Figure out how to build it.
This is one of the most important steps. A huge part of programming (especially early on) is figuring out what your client wants, and then learning how to do that. Don’t just stick with your own knowledge base!
For new programmers, I would suggest just focusing on just getting the desired results. Don’t get bogged down trying to learn design patterns, architecture, test-driven development, etc. Learn the basics of how to program first, then expand on that knowledge. And remember, keep it simple! You don’t need an enterprise-level solution for the FizzBuzz problem.
At this point, if you determine that the project is completely out of your scope, say so. Even if you determine the project is far too large or complex for you to build, you will have at least increased your own knowledge, so I always see it as a win-win situation.
- Build it.
You might think this is the hardest step of all, but in reality it will eventually become one of the easiest ones. Gathering the requirements and figuring out how you’re going to build the application are much more important, and if done right, it will make this step a breeze.
Of course, early on in your career this step will be the most time-consuming and frustrating one. It will likely consist of a lot of trial and error, but don’t be disheartened because this means you are learning! We learn much more from our mistakes than from our successes, and the more you learn, the better your programming skills will become.
So to summarize, don’t worry too much about not being able to build/understand enterprise-level applications straight out of college. Start small, and keep an always be willing to learn. Work on programming for results first, and worry about best-practices later on. Hobby projects are a great way to gain experience. And remember, don’t ever stop learning!